Bungee Laces

Monday, August 29, 2011


Well, I mean catch-up. It’s time for a good one, I believe! Ok, so this year, I am not going to get any blogger awards, and I feel sorry about that. It seems like the way our lives are yo-yoing around, there hasn’t been time. But that is just an excuse, and really I am doing myself a disservice as I find this quite therapeutic. So, there you have it, proof that blogging is really a self-indulgent exercise.

So, where in the world is the Jackson family, well, right here, in Lake Tinaroo, of course! Yes, Roy and I, after some hardship and heartache, took a risk, a leap, a giant step into the unknown and came up to Far North Queensland in May for work. We live in an area inland from Cairns called ‘The Tablelands’. Now, I’ve always professed to love Queensland, but my dears, this place is truly heaven!

Our arrival here was quite sudden. We were struggling to find good work or any work in Maryborough, our first intended ‘forever’ kind of place, but nothing seemed to be going our way. We contacted the department of education and found out there was two teaching jobs going, way up here, so Roy and I packed up, quickly, and headed off, leaving Honey with his parents (who now live with us). Now we only lasted about a week before we had Honey and Diana (Roy’s mum) shipped up to be with us, but it was a very big deal.

I suppose looking back, it was all meant to be. We had one plan. God had another. A door opened, we went through. We’ve since moved the whole family, Roy, myself, Honey, Roy’s parents, Roy’s grandma, one three-legged dog and two cats here to our new little patch of paradise. Yes, two are missing, but hopefully not for long. Caleb and Amelie are here during all the holidays and are planning to move here at the end of the year.

So, we are not where we started, we are not where we went, we are here. Lake Tinaroo. To be fair, we don’t actually work in Lake Tinaroo, but it’s worth the 30 minute drive. A place, a magical, heavenly place, still very much a secret to the rest of the world is our home. Stay tuned!

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